
Monday, September 5, 2011

Labour Day in the Woods

Today I finished orientation at 1:30, so I pretty much had the day to myself. I got this awesome book from my library called Abundantly Wild: Collecting and Cooking Wild Edibles in the Upper Midwest. It's by a Minnesotan. So I decided to go on a food hike in the Bagley Nature Center (a part of my school.)

So this is kinda cheating, but there's a crabapple tree there, so I picked many.

You can't forage without getting some raspberries. 

There are many ways to use acorns, I'm leaning towards making flour. That way I can make acorn pancakes. 

About two blocks away from my apartment is this awesome park called Chester Park. Its a skinny park that follows a creek down the hill with trails. It basically goes from campus to the farmer's market.

Along the creek there are plenty of little waterfalls. 

When the creek went under a portion of road it went through this beautiful tunnel. The old brickwork reminded me of something like the old sewers of Paris. 


This is an old abandoned ski jump. I'm pretty sure going on it is illegal; it's in horrible condition and will collapse with a change in air pressure. But I followed some kids from my school up it anyway. At the top some kid told me, "just so you know it rocks easily," Then he starts rocking it back and forth. 

My school from the top.


There were a total of three abandoned ski jumps (I climbed the tallest) and there was this painted on some random one. 

Notice how a board there is missing. That isn't the only one. 

1 comment:

  1. So what exactly did you do with the crab apples? And what did your roommates say?

    Looks like you're going to have a great time in Duluth.
