
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Amnicon Falls State Park

I haven't blogged in months. Here's a post, so you all know I'm not dead. My sister gave me a (Wisco) State Park sticker. I've always wanted to visit the state parks around the Twin Ports and now I can. So Courtney and I went to Amnicon Falls State Park which is only about ten miles from Superior. 

The upper Amnicon Falls.

The whole time I was like, "This stone is pretty."

We found a lifetime supply of clay, so we made heads. Courtney's on left and mine on right.

Eventually we came across a quarry... we jumped in.

I did jump in the quarry via rope. It stung my hands, so I only did it once.

The stone from this quarry was used to build the Fairlawn Mansion in Superior. 

Afterward we found the meadow where the quarry's loading yard used to be.

We just hung out there like hippie children for awhile then moved on.

We gandered upon more waterfalls then called it a day.