
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Another Kayaking Adventure: Under the Bridge to the Big Blue

I went kayaking again: no surprise there. 

This time I launched from Rice's Point.

There was a ship. It almost killed me(well not really since it was moving slower than a drifting milk jug.)

I cut across the bay and kayaked along Park Point. 

I wasn't sure if the lake was going to be rough, so I thought I'd check it out. Mostly I just wanted to kayak under the lift bridge. 

Over 1,000 ships from across the globe pass through this my kayak. 

Through the canal I was ventured out into the Big Blue. 

On Wednesdays the yacht club has sailboat races, so I was followed out the canal by an entourage of sailboats. 

Also the tourists on the piers kept trying to talk to me. I hate tourists. 

Eventually it quickly got really dark and cloudy, so I headed back full speed. I didn't beat the rain which was fun. 

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